Thursday, March 2, 2006


March 2, 2006

Haven't posted in quite some time. You really never know how much you really know, or don't know, about something until it becomes a life and death matter. Take for instance your respiratory system. When you are diagnosed with Lung Cancer, the respiratory system takes on a whole new meaning. Breathing stops being taken for granted, most things small, and usually unnoticed, become extremely large and miraculous. Smells, tastes, sounds, seeing, feeling, touching, thinking, invisioning, most things begin to take on a whole new deminsion. It's kinda sad that it takes such a jolt to start living more REAL, in the present, moment by moment. But then again, I guess this means, that the JOLTS can be considered BLESSINGS. Each system in the body has its own uniqueness, and interdepedency. Don't ever believe that something is over unless you are ready for the end, because if you do, it will be. If you do not give up, and believe that something can be done, it can be. These moments do help those that have not been able to appreciate life, loved ones, strangers, any and everything, a second chance to do so. Those that do appreciate, have faith, and are giving, will not have much anquish about death. It will be the final stage of Earthly life. As you may well be able to tell, I have a tendency to ramble, leaving out specifics, and going on to another topic. Sorry if you can't read my mind. If there is a question about what I am saying, just blog me and I'll see if I can be more clear. The lung cancer was diagnosed in 2004, a close family member had the diagnoses. That family member is now in remission. Now I have another family member with Liver cancer. So now I am learning about the liver. We are trying to figure out the best way to approach treatment. I have done a lot of research on the internet, with different alternatives to the treatment of this Liver Cancer. The biggest thing that has gotten us through the Lung Cancer is our faith in Jesus. Yes we did a lot of internet research also, but with the guidance of the Lord at the helm. That is what we are doing with the Liver Cancer also. The Lung Cancer person had chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. It was a long road, with ups and downs. The chemo seemed to almost take this person away by itself. The white blood cell counts became severely low, like 600, when they should be in the 5,000 to 10,000 range. These white cells are what help to fight off infection. Anyway, they have injections that they can give, ours was called Nupegen (?spelling), it initiates your body to produce more white blood cells. You can have red blood cells given to you per infusion, but the white cells have to be produced by your body. One of these days they may be able to infuse white blood cells, who knows, just about anything is possible anymore. We did have to have some red blood cells transfused, and thank God, the white blood cells did recover. In the mean time, this person that was going through the chemo was in control of when and how she continued treatment. When she wasn't feeling well enough to take the chemo, she waited for the next chemo until she did feel strong enough to handle the chemo. Now this may sound like common sense to most, but to me, I thought you have only a certain amount of time to get the treatments done to kill out the cancer. I saw this person let the doctor know how these treatments where affecting her, good or bad, and usually it was not very good. She would have the doctor readjust, this was a team effort, the treatments as needed so that she could tolerate the treatments. She had radiation twice daily for the first 2 weeks, before chemo started. The radiation was directed directly at the tumor only. The lung cancer was growing on the outside of the lung wrapping itself around a part of this person's Aorta, your main artery of the heart and lungs. After the first 2 weeks of double radiation, she had to speak to the oncology radiologist about decreasing the times and amount of the Radiation. She was feeling really weak and was getting ready to begin Chemo. Anyway as I said before there were many ups and downs. The last down, I thought that was going to be the END, is when I finally came to the reality of being helpless. This was also a time when I was showing my loss of faith, then it hit me like a ton of bricks, God's will will be done. I was hoping and praying God's will was to heal this person against all Earthly odds, and he DID! She was stage four, was barely 100 pounds, had been in pain for almost 7 years before the cancer was found. The last 2 years before the cancer was found, she barely slept because of the pain. She had test after test after test done without anyone finding a thing. Her blood work would be normal, but she kept having this excrutiating pain behind her left shoulder blade that noone could seem to find its cause. We tried prolotherapy, chiropractic therapy, supplements, etc... We finally took her to the emergency room one day and told them that something was wrong with this person and we are not leaving until someone finds out what it is. They did a CT and found something, then they did an MRI to see things better. They found the tumor! They were missing it because it was hiding behind her lung, it was in between the lung and the spin going around parts of the Aorta. They also found this out when they tried to get a biopsy from within the lung, but the tumor was not in the LUNG, it was behind the LUNG. Another test done was a PET scan. A PET scan will show if there are any cancer cells in the body, and where all of the cancer cells may be. It will show if the cancer has spread, or if it is gone. We have all decided in our family that if we have pain in an area for more than a few weeks to a month, that we are going to request an MRI. If this test shows something, then request a PET scan to see if it is cancer. The main way that they find out what type of cancer it is to biopsy the cells. Each type of cancer cells has its own place of origin. The cells tell you where they came from. The cells they retrieved were of Lung cancer origin, and somehow migrated to the outside of the LUNG. She had non small cell lung carcenoma. This person was scheduled for 4 treatments of Chemo. Each time, it was chemo time, she dreaded the day of feeling sicker than ever, just to get better. The 3rd chemo treatment was when I thought we were going to lose her. I had been positive, as upbeat as I could be for what was going on, but at this jucture I lost it. I did it out of her site, but I totally went through her being gone. After I finished crying uncontrollably, it dawned on me that we have no control over when we die, but we do have control over how we live. Back to the third treatment, after she had recovered from the third treatment she asked the doctor if he would do another PET scan to see if the cancer was gone, because she believed that it was. The doctor was a little hesitant, but did agree to do the test before anymore chemo was given. The results came back with no detectable signs of cancer anywhere! She has been in remission now for just a little over a year. I wish I could say that she has recovered 100 percent, but I can't. This person never completely quit smoking, once she was told that the cancer was gone, she began smoking again, not as much as before, but still. She is now having congestive heart failure. She did quit smoking, because she could not catch her breath. She is recovering from a hospital stay. I am searching for rehabilitative exercises to help strengthen her heart. Her breathing is better, but still labored at times. She has had 2 rounds of antibiotics to get rid of the Pneumonia. I believe that the second round has pretty much taken care of the infection. Now we need to work on strengthening the heart to prevent any further damage. She has been smoke free for about 2 months now. Grouchier than ever, so you know she must be getting some better. Now we have her significant other with Liver Cancer. Back to the research board. The person with the liver cancer, just had gall bladder removed and this was when they spotted the cancer on the liver. This person is also diabetic with high blood pressure. You have to consider everything that could effect outcome. No I am not a doctor, but I hardly doubt that I sound like one. Hope this may have helped some, do your research, be in charge of your care, know your options, get a 2nd opinion or more if necessary, find people who have dealt with your type of problem with a positive outcome and get their medical professionals phone number, check into alternative treatments, PRAY for guideance and wisdom for your situation to have a positive outcome, get your affairs in order (this should be done whether you are ill or not) 1)power of attorney, 2)DNR orders, 3)organ donation, 4)living will, anything that needs to be done in case something were to happen to you in an accident etc.. Because if you do not get the proper papers ready, then someone else will decide for you. Enough said about that. Here's hoping that those of you that read this will be able to find the silver lining in every cloud. One last thing, healing has to involve all 3 parts (mind, body, spirit). Proper Nutrition is a major factor in health and healing, and so is Exercise (Ensure and Walking is one example of nutrition and exercise during cancer care). Search until you find what is right for you.