Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Who is ready for Christmas?

Every year I say that I am going to be more prepared for Christmas by having all of the gifts bought and wrapped within a timely manner in order to truly enjoy the season. However, I believe that Christmas is all about ONE gift of unconditional love through the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Not everyone observes the Christmas holiday because not everyone believes. If we stop and really look at all of the different religions and cultures, and cultures within religions, and religions within cultures, the world is definitely a diverse group of people. However, we are all more similar than we are different in that we all need food and water to live, we all have feelings of some kind, we all need to breathe, and I believe you get the idea.
Wouldn't it be helpful to try and begin the New Year off with a gift from each of us to one another and that gift being tolerance?
Merry Christmas!

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