Monday, January 14, 2008

Schools back for the 2nd semester!

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas break from college and the holiday festivities. Now it is time to get back to class. Philosophy began today and nursing research begins tomorrow. These two classes are only 8 weeks long with a lot crammed into them. It will go by FAST! Just like the first semester, and then there will be graduation in May! Our 11 year old daughter is almost finished with basketball and looking forward to track. We usually make one trip a week, but try to make it two, to the Chiropractor for her Scoliosis treatments. Two would be preferred by the Chiropractor and myself, now that school is back in for all of us we can settle into more of our usual routine again. I have been checking into fast pitch softball camps, basketball camps, and golf camps for girls in the age ranges of 11 and up. I believe sports is extremely beneficial for girls in helping with self esteem and social interactions, and because it is a lot of fun. I may have to get a few books and videos and give it a go because I do not see very many choices or programs in the Tishomingo Oklahoma area. I have come across a fast pitch camp possibility for 11 year olds at the University of Oklahoma. I have also found a basketball camp that looks excellent coming to the Ardmore Oklahoma area. As for golf, we have enough land, and our son has set up a make shift driving range that we can practice on. We also have a nine hole course only 5 minutes away to practice putting and to play on. I really don't have any reason to keep us from doing these activities other than lack of energy at times, and lack of motivation at times. I need to psyche myself up and get to it for the little one. We both need the exercise and companionship, that extra mother daughter together time doing fun stuff. Will try to get things in order and we will see what happens by the posts. Guess I better get back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Me at a very young age

Poem by ME called "Sounds too easy doesn't it"

Simply believe in yourself,
sounds too easy doesn't it
Well it isn't so do it!
Stop beating yourself up for no reason,
love yourself, take care of yourself,
have faith in your ideas, your feelings,
your truths.
Stay positive with your self talk,
take in a huge deep breath of positive kind feelings,
and hold them inside for a few moments,
then slowly release to allow the
positiveness to permeate within and without.
This is a great way to begin and end a day,
sounds too easy doesn't it,
Well it isn't so do it!

Saving old journal notes to this blog for keeping

Today I'm going to try to cut my sugar intake down to almost none. I'm gong to try to eat mostly protein and vegetables, drink water, and get 30 minutes to 1 hour of walking in daily. This is the first day of my plan. I have quite smoking for over a year now. I rarely drink alcohol anymore, and now I have to tackle this weight problem full force. I weigh around 200 pounds, would like to lose from 65 to 70 pounds. Would like to try for about 2 pounds per week. 70 divided by 2 equals 35 weeks divided by 4 equals 8 and 3/4 months. I have the tools to accomplish this goal. I have the knowledge of proper diet, exercise, and now I am also ready mentally. Will document my progress weekly. Need to get measurements and exact weight documented by next entry. Need to eat 5 or 6 times per day with 200 to 300 calories x 5 or 6. Need to learn to de-stress without food especially SWEETS. Also need to check with an Endocrinologist, or do research concerning hormone balance. Need to get eyes and teeth checked. Should have appointments for all of this by next post.
The only thing listed on the next post was one word: cholangiocarcinoma, this was the diagnosis given to my step dad the following week. So guess what happened next, well you know that I didn't begin my plan. It was time for researching this cancer to make sure my step dad received the best care possible. My Mom was still recuperating from Lung Cancer so she wasn't able to help much with my step dad other than try to help him nutritiously, but this was very little help because she was still week and still SMOKING! No matter what I try to do for this lady at times it is never enough but the smoking after LUNG CANCER really pissed me off in a HUGE way.
All I can really do is pray for her, my step dad died, and she almost died again with respiratory failure in May of 2007. After this episode she quit smoking for almost a year but I think she is trying to sneak it back into her life. I am not going to deal with this CRAP anymore. I will help from afar, I don't want to say good bye to my mother this way but I can not stand to be around her if she is going to slowly kill herself in front of us. I just will not watch, it touches me to the core of my soul. Also my daughter is missing out on her grandmother but it is her grandmother's choice, she never wants anyone, especially children to visit. I believe her main reason is to sneak in her little smoke times and she does not want to hear it from anyone. Well I guess she is getting her way.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Beginnings, All is New that is not Familiar

Happy New Year Everyone! I like beginning a new year because it is like starting with a clean slate. Each day is filled with hope of accomplishing more than the day before, becoming more than one thinks. Hoping to make wiser decisions the older we become, knowing that we are all in this world together for better or for worse. I think this is enough of the philosophical side for today.
Right now my youngest daughter is in the living room playing her guitar hero 3, which plays 70's and 80's old rock tunes like "Schools Out for the Summer" and "Hit Me With Your Best Shot." She is really doing a great job at it and it sounds like she is enjoying it tremendously. She has finished all of her homework for today and we have made our trip to the chiropractor today to treat her Scoliosis.
We are using conservative treatment, Chiropractic, because the curvature is small at this time and we are hoping to correct the curve through Chiropractic treatments. So for she is benefiting from the treatments. We try to go to the Chiropractor twice weekly for adjustments. I usually request an x-ray to check progress every two months of treatment.
I have an older son that has Scoliosis also and when he was around 10 the doctor said that the curve wasn't enough to worry about for correction. This was about 18 years ago. He has also tried the Chiropractic treatments, but has only had a few and he appeared to benefit from them. He needs to return and complete treatments to rid his back of the curve that he has. I didn't know about Chiropractic back then or I would have taken him.
My mother was the person that introduced me to Chiropractic Care and treatments. My Mom had been to numerous doctors for over 2 years before she was finally diagnosed with Lung Cancer. One of the treatments before she was diagnosed with the Lung Cancer was Chiropractic Care to help relieve some of the excrutiating pain she was having.
While we were taking Mom to the Chiropractor, my sister and I were having some neck and back pain so we began using the same Chiropractor with great results. Mom was not getting a whole lot better, but was getting some relief. This is how we began using Chiropractic Care. Anyhow this is probably enough about Scoliosis and Chiropractic Care.
Once again, Happy New Year Everyone!