Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Beginnings, All is New that is not Familiar

Happy New Year Everyone! I like beginning a new year because it is like starting with a clean slate. Each day is filled with hope of accomplishing more than the day before, becoming more than one thinks. Hoping to make wiser decisions the older we become, knowing that we are all in this world together for better or for worse. I think this is enough of the philosophical side for today.
Right now my youngest daughter is in the living room playing her guitar hero 3, which plays 70's and 80's old rock tunes like "Schools Out for the Summer" and "Hit Me With Your Best Shot." She is really doing a great job at it and it sounds like she is enjoying it tremendously. She has finished all of her homework for today and we have made our trip to the chiropractor today to treat her Scoliosis.
We are using conservative treatment, Chiropractic, because the curvature is small at this time and we are hoping to correct the curve through Chiropractic treatments. So for she is benefiting from the treatments. We try to go to the Chiropractor twice weekly for adjustments. I usually request an x-ray to check progress every two months of treatment.
I have an older son that has Scoliosis also and when he was around 10 the doctor said that the curve wasn't enough to worry about for correction. This was about 18 years ago. He has also tried the Chiropractic treatments, but has only had a few and he appeared to benefit from them. He needs to return and complete treatments to rid his back of the curve that he has. I didn't know about Chiropractic back then or I would have taken him.
My mother was the person that introduced me to Chiropractic Care and treatments. My Mom had been to numerous doctors for over 2 years before she was finally diagnosed with Lung Cancer. One of the treatments before she was diagnosed with the Lung Cancer was Chiropractic Care to help relieve some of the excrutiating pain she was having.
While we were taking Mom to the Chiropractor, my sister and I were having some neck and back pain so we began using the same Chiropractor with great results. Mom was not getting a whole lot better, but was getting some relief. This is how we began using Chiropractic Care. Anyhow this is probably enough about Scoliosis and Chiropractic Care.
Once again, Happy New Year Everyone!

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