Friday, February 8, 2008

Philosophy and Nursing Research

These are the two classes I have been in for the last 4 weeks now. There are only 4 more weeks of philosophy and nursing research. I can't believe these two classes are half way over already! They both have been pretty interesting and cause for much thought. Changing the subject matter here, we have been having some really odd weather for the months of January and February in Oklahoma, but then again I guess that is why most of us love Oklahoma. If you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes and you just might get what you want, or at least a change. One constant in this weather is the drought. We really could use some rain, about 2 inches per day for about a week would be good, not 2 feet in a day or two. Last June and July we were having flooding around here, but before the flooding we had been in a drought for almost 10 years! I'm sure most people would try and chaulk it up to global warming, and it probably plays a part. But we must admit the weather all around our grand USA has been odd for the past 7 to 10 years. We will just have to wait and see what kind of cycle we are in weather wise. Guess this is enough about the weather, (one last note) this weekend it is going to be in the mid 60's all weekend in February! Now that is what I'm talking about, waiting for the weather to change. Guess I better go for now, not much said but at least its an entry.

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