Monday, February 11, 2008

Procrastination, Organization, Imagination

I'm procrastinating imagining what life will be like being totally organized. Disorganization isn't really all that bad when your younger and have less in your life to be disorganized about, but this would be a crucial time to begin learning the tricks and values of organization. Instead of the have too's because of a life time of procrastinaion in this area. One of the biggest values of being organized is peace of mind from knowing where everything is! My New Year's resolution is to become organized and I have made a little progress in this direction. However, I have a loooong way to go before receiving peace of mind. Have you ever tried to find something and just could not find what is was you were looking for? Some misplaced items can be tolerated but when it comes to important documents, NEVER! Make yourself a file system for all of your important papers (deeds, stocks, birthcertificates, passports, etc.) and keep them in their special spots. Also, it would be a great idea to have back-up copies stored in a special place, maybe even on your computer or some type of back-up media. Make sure to put all of these IMPORTANT documents in a fire proof something for further protection.
Around Thanksgiving my husband had a document that needed to be placed in a special spot, and I told him that I had the perfect spot. Possibly at the time it probably was, but now I cannot find the document. I believe in between writing numerous papers for school, I was trying to sort through some (IMPORTANT) items and give them a designated spot to begin the organization process. Well apparently I must have imagined this spot because I no longer know where this perfect document spot is. I feel like I am having a lot of brain flatulence lately, and I hope it is just the stress of everything going on. I have most definetly found a couple of things out about myself and they are: I can only do one thing at a time and get it right. Multitasking only works if the extra things I am doing have no thought process involved like breathing, blinking, urgency, I think we all get the picture. If I am doing 2 things that need any type of memory involved you can forget it. I will probably remember half of one thing and possibly half of the other, then together
neither one makes sense.
As we get older we have more information to stir the pot with that can help and hinder the memory recall. "Never put of for tomorrow what can be done today" is a true quote that I need to practice more to help detour my procrastination trait. Procrastination is setting yourself up for the panic cortisol stress release of the fight or flight syndrome to get something done at the last minute, and if you grew up this way you believe it to be normal. You didn't really know that doing things early takes away this effect and allows one to live a more peaceful and sanctual life. Another plus is that you have the extra time to become really creative with and about your dutiful outcome.
I have to let you in on a little secret right now, I am suppose to be finishing up my critique on a research article for class that is due tomorrow. I do have it three fourths of the way finished, but I guess I better get off of here right now and finish this project up. Getting finished early with the project, which should only take me about another 2 hours at the most, I can revise as much as I would like to create an even better critique of the research article, and I will not be stressed out about not being done. Sounds like a good plan doesn't it.
Until next time, try to get started on being organized in your life, and if you already are please send me some tips! I could really use all of the help I can get, and THANK YOU!

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