Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Epilepsy - What is this?

I am not a Neurologist, a person that specializes in the anatomy and physiology of the brain, all that is connected to and from the brain helping with the conduction of electrical impulses in the body and brain processes. Most of us have heard the saying that left handed people are the only ones in their right mind, but did we really stop and think what this means? Our brain is composed of two hemispheres which are the Right hemisphere or side, and the Wrong, just kidding, Left hemisphere or side. Each hemisphere, or side, controls the body functions on the opposite side of that hemisphere. Left side of brain controls right side of body movements and is also the side that controls speech and different thought processes, and the Right side is where numbers and logical thinking are done, not to mention being in control of the Left hand and that side of the body. This is a simple explanation and may not be completely accurate, so look this up and send in your corrections or agreements and elaborate or explain further.
Epilepsy is diagnosed when a person has more than one seizure, a misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain or a malfunction of electrical impulses, that prevents that person from normal activity for a period of time and have no known origin. Seizures can begin either by causing a dazed or dream state, partial seizure, to a grand Mal with convulsions and incontinence. These are actually examples of one extreme to the other, which means there are varying degrees of seizure activity, some so slight they can go unnoticed and some so severe that they can even cause death. The great news being that there is help to control seizure activity to the extent of decreased seizure activity to nonexistent seizure activity. Epilepsy can begin after high fever episodes in children, but not all children that have high fevers will develop Epilepsy. Epilepsy can have genetic factors related to its origin in an individual, but most people diagnosed with epilepsy, over 50 to 75 percent and maybe higher, have idiopathic or no known origin of this phenomenon. The medical field has very limited knowledge about the causes and cures concerning Epilepsy. However, I believe this is beginning to change drastically as this is being typed. Till next entry, everyone keep researching and sharing what you find, we will find a true cause and a cure! Here is a link that can shed loads of light on the subject of Epilepsy:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Who is ready for Christmas?

Every year I say that I am going to be more prepared for Christmas by having all of the gifts bought and wrapped within a timely manner in order to truly enjoy the season. However, I believe that Christmas is all about ONE gift of unconditional love through the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Not everyone observes the Christmas holiday because not everyone believes. If we stop and really look at all of the different religions and cultures, and cultures within religions, and religions within cultures, the world is definitely a diverse group of people. However, we are all more similar than we are different in that we all need food and water to live, we all have feelings of some kind, we all need to breathe, and I believe you get the idea.
Wouldn't it be helpful to try and begin the New Year off with a gift from each of us to one another and that gift being tolerance?
Merry Christmas!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Beautiful Snowy Day on 3/6/2008

This picture was taken with my digital camera that is only a 4.0 megapixel, and it really turned out beautifully. I took about 10 or 15 pictures that day and this was one of the top pictures that came out of the lot. I love the depth, detail, winter life showing through the shot, and ability to see the snow falling. I was just totally amazed with the outcome. The Lord must have put a special focus on this camera that day. I hope all who are able to see this picture enjoy it as much as I do.
Guten Abend!

The last eight weeks of RN-BSN school

Today is the beginning of the last eight weeks of RN-BSN school. The previous eight weeks were pretty ruff. The main course that was excrutiatingly tough was Philosophy. I thought this course was going to be a lot of fun, but it wasn't. This may have been because it was an online course crammed into an eight week period. However, I did gain a brief hands on in the relm of volunteer work that will forever stay with me. Volunteering has to be one of the best gifts that you can give to others and receive a feeling of warmth in your heart that was unexpected, but extremely appreciated. Out of all of the chaos and confusion in this class, there was a huge reward and enlightenment received. I suppose the stress of it all was worth it. Advice from what I have learned is to volunteer at least an hour a week of your time to your community schools, government, churches, girls and boys organizations, whereever you think you can help at all, and do so selflessly. I guarantee you that you will become hooked! If you are not quite sure where to start, read your weekly or daily newspaper and see where help is needed, or call the local Department of Human Services, Chamber of Commerce, local library, schools, parks and recreation, local Red Cross chapter, churches, and you will receive some feedback. The first step is the hardest and this is just DO IT, or begin. Once you begin the commitment of volunteering you will be glad you did. Also, if you have children, this is an excellent example for them about what is important and help them get envolved in volunteering with you.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Procrastination, Organization, Imagination

I'm procrastinating imagining what life will be like being totally organized. Disorganization isn't really all that bad when your younger and have less in your life to be disorganized about, but this would be a crucial time to begin learning the tricks and values of organization. Instead of the have too's because of a life time of procrastinaion in this area. One of the biggest values of being organized is peace of mind from knowing where everything is! My New Year's resolution is to become organized and I have made a little progress in this direction. However, I have a loooong way to go before receiving peace of mind. Have you ever tried to find something and just could not find what is was you were looking for? Some misplaced items can be tolerated but when it comes to important documents, NEVER! Make yourself a file system for all of your important papers (deeds, stocks, birthcertificates, passports, etc.) and keep them in their special spots. Also, it would be a great idea to have back-up copies stored in a special place, maybe even on your computer or some type of back-up media. Make sure to put all of these IMPORTANT documents in a fire proof something for further protection.
Around Thanksgiving my husband had a document that needed to be placed in a special spot, and I told him that I had the perfect spot. Possibly at the time it probably was, but now I cannot find the document. I believe in between writing numerous papers for school, I was trying to sort through some (IMPORTANT) items and give them a designated spot to begin the organization process. Well apparently I must have imagined this spot because I no longer know where this perfect document spot is. I feel like I am having a lot of brain flatulence lately, and I hope it is just the stress of everything going on. I have most definetly found a couple of things out about myself and they are: I can only do one thing at a time and get it right. Multitasking only works if the extra things I am doing have no thought process involved like breathing, blinking, urgency, I think we all get the picture. If I am doing 2 things that need any type of memory involved you can forget it. I will probably remember half of one thing and possibly half of the other, then together
neither one makes sense.
As we get older we have more information to stir the pot with that can help and hinder the memory recall. "Never put of for tomorrow what can be done today" is a true quote that I need to practice more to help detour my procrastination trait. Procrastination is setting yourself up for the panic cortisol stress release of the fight or flight syndrome to get something done at the last minute, and if you grew up this way you believe it to be normal. You didn't really know that doing things early takes away this effect and allows one to live a more peaceful and sanctual life. Another plus is that you have the extra time to become really creative with and about your dutiful outcome.
I have to let you in on a little secret right now, I am suppose to be finishing up my critique on a research article for class that is due tomorrow. I do have it three fourths of the way finished, but I guess I better get off of here right now and finish this project up. Getting finished early with the project, which should only take me about another 2 hours at the most, I can revise as much as I would like to create an even better critique of the research article, and I will not be stressed out about not being done. Sounds like a good plan doesn't it.
Until next time, try to get started on being organized in your life, and if you already are please send me some tips! I could really use all of the help I can get, and THANK YOU!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Philosophy and Nursing Research

These are the two classes I have been in for the last 4 weeks now. There are only 4 more weeks of philosophy and nursing research. I can't believe these two classes are half way over already! They both have been pretty interesting and cause for much thought. Changing the subject matter here, we have been having some really odd weather for the months of January and February in Oklahoma, but then again I guess that is why most of us love Oklahoma. If you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes and you just might get what you want, or at least a change. One constant in this weather is the drought. We really could use some rain, about 2 inches per day for about a week would be good, not 2 feet in a day or two. Last June and July we were having flooding around here, but before the flooding we had been in a drought for almost 10 years! I'm sure most people would try and chaulk it up to global warming, and it probably plays a part. But we must admit the weather all around our grand USA has been odd for the past 7 to 10 years. We will just have to wait and see what kind of cycle we are in weather wise. Guess this is enough about the weather, (one last note) this weekend it is going to be in the mid 60's all weekend in February! Now that is what I'm talking about, waiting for the weather to change. Guess I better go for now, not much said but at least its an entry.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Schools back for the 2nd semester!

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas break from college and the holiday festivities. Now it is time to get back to class. Philosophy began today and nursing research begins tomorrow. These two classes are only 8 weeks long with a lot crammed into them. It will go by FAST! Just like the first semester, and then there will be graduation in May! Our 11 year old daughter is almost finished with basketball and looking forward to track. We usually make one trip a week, but try to make it two, to the Chiropractor for her Scoliosis treatments. Two would be preferred by the Chiropractor and myself, now that school is back in for all of us we can settle into more of our usual routine again. I have been checking into fast pitch softball camps, basketball camps, and golf camps for girls in the age ranges of 11 and up. I believe sports is extremely beneficial for girls in helping with self esteem and social interactions, and because it is a lot of fun. I may have to get a few books and videos and give it a go because I do not see very many choices or programs in the Tishomingo Oklahoma area. I have come across a fast pitch camp possibility for 11 year olds at the University of Oklahoma. I have also found a basketball camp that looks excellent coming to the Ardmore Oklahoma area. As for golf, we have enough land, and our son has set up a make shift driving range that we can practice on. We also have a nine hole course only 5 minutes away to practice putting and to play on. I really don't have any reason to keep us from doing these activities other than lack of energy at times, and lack of motivation at times. I need to psyche myself up and get to it for the little one. We both need the exercise and companionship, that extra mother daughter together time doing fun stuff. Will try to get things in order and we will see what happens by the posts. Guess I better get back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone!